How are these websites going to help in World peace?

From: "Balwinder" <>
Date: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:40 am
Subject: How are these websites going to help in World peace?

Dear Jagbir,

There is an initiative started in America just recently which wants to
harness certain individuals whom they feel have values and are
respected and trusted. The whole idea is to get a few people of various
religions together from as many countries and work to ensure that the
voices of the moderates of each and every religion is heard and that
there is mutual respect and trust for each other's religious beliefs.

Yesterday, I had met over dinner an ambassador from the Middle East, an influential journalist and a very influential person in the Malaysian
government who is a family friend. This family friend of many years
wants me to participate in this endeavour and thus the very purpose of
this dinner was to introduce me to some of the people involved.

The first thing that I thought when this idea was mentioned was that
Shree Mataji through Sahaja Yoga has already been doing that for the
past 30 years but for fear of being misunderstood as promoting Sahaja
Yoga, i have not brought this up yet.

I would very much appreciate your input as well as others who can see
from a different angle than Jagbir as to how the websites on the
Adishakti/Al-qiyamah/Holy Ghost/Eka Mayee etc are uniting (going to
unite) the various religions (and races) of Mother Earth.

I am supposed to send the url of your websites to this influential
journailist since the family friend has spoken highly about you to him
and also about the popularity of your websites and that they help to
promote racial and religious understanding and love.



From: "Violet" <>
Date: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:45 am
Subject: Re: How are these websites going to help in World peace

Dear Balwinder,

That is fantastic news, Balwinder!

i can understand that you do not want to be seen as 'promoting' the Sahaja Yoga Organization itself, because that would be promoting an 'organization'. Shri Mataji never asked us to promote an 'organization'. She only asked us to promote the Truth of Her Teachings and Message of Sahaja Yoga which is an 'organism". She, in fact, told us that we cannot 'organize the Truth' any case.

However, with these new websites on the Adishakti/Al-qiyamah/Holy Ghost/EkaMayee etc.... it will not be seen as promoting a particular 'organization' but these websites will be seen as promoting the Highest Spiritual Truth for Humanity which is at the the 'heart'....of each spiritual tradition. Therefore, there is nothing 'organized' about it at all, and it is not 'promoting' any religious institution or organization, but only the Organism of the Spirit, which is the original Truth as taught by all Incarnations and Prophets.

Therefore you have an 'open sesame' which Shri Mataji has given to promote Her Message with all these new websites which are pure and unadulterated by any 'organized anything', therefore will be able to be accepted in that same Spirit.

This is indeed a big step ahead for World Peace that Shri Mataji has been
striving for over the last 30 years. It will lead to Shri Mataji's 'unorganized Truth' (meaning we are not trying to make it into an 'organization' of the Truth that is restricted to a particular Organization) going out into All The World.

Jai Shri Mataji!

love and best wishes,


From: "semirafields" <>
Date: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:39 pm
Subject: Re: How are these websites going to help in World peace

Dear Dr Balwinder,
This is wonderful and hopeful news.
The websites are very helpful in explaining in detail the message of
the Spirit that is the crux of all the different religions, and in
relating the central concept of each religion and the sacred
scriptures to each other, in a way that can be clearly understood
and accepted by everyone from all the spiritual paths.
Love and warm wishes, Semira

From: "jagbir singh" <>
Date: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:09 pm
Subject: Re: How are these websites going to help in World peace
Dear Balwinder,

Congratulations! This is indeed one of the most significant
development for ushering Shri Mataji's Divine Message. i am
absolutely thrilled by it because it has only just sunk into me that
the "family friend of many years wants (you) to participate in this
endeavour". You are being asked to represent Malaysia ! What else
can we SYs ask for? This is absolutely great news. i am full of joy
for you because i can see the great potential of this endeavor over
the years. The Shakti is indeed pleased with all your bhakti towards

My advise is that you obey Her explicit call to TELL ALL THE
NATIONS. By this i mean that you should project Her Divine Message
of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah, not the severely suppressed and
corrupted official version of Sahaja Yoga. i strongly advise you
follow Shri Mataji's past instructions to the letter. Only Her
Divine Message can bring forth the peace and harmony and respect
between different faiths. It is the ONLY way as the very nature and
implications of the Divine Message to humanity compels mutual
respect and trust for each other's religious beliefs. Those who
surrender will have to unconditionally accept all religions, holy
scriptures and incarnations. Nothing on Earth has that power!

You must also understand that Muslims in Malaysia are very sensitive
to the image of Islam and the Divine. They will vehemently reject
and protest any rituals and treatments or external images - so be
very careful about their religious taboos.

Since you have been asked to represent Malaysia it is imperative
that the image and good name of Islam be protected and projected at
all times. That can ONLY be achieved if Her Divine Message is
understood through the Resurrection of and the
Last Judgment of delivered by the Adi Shakti. It
is Her Divine Message that will go a long way "to promote racial and
religious understanding and love." So serve Her and perform your
duty without fear or favor.

i also am touched by all the praise your close family friend has for
me. It was beyond expectations as i did not know i was held in that
high esteem or that my websites are that popular. i wish to share my
joy with all my brothers and sisters. Thank you.

Jai Shri Ganapathi,


From: "jagbir singh" <>
Date: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:41 am
Subject: Re: How are these websites going to help in World peace

--- In, "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org@...>
> i strongly advise you follow Shri Mataji's past instructions to
> the letter. Only Her Divine Message can bring forth the peace and
> harmony and respect between different faiths. It is the ONLY way
> as the very nature and implications of the Divine Message to
> humanity compels mutual respect and trust for each other's
> religious beliefs. Those who surrender will have to
> unconditionally accept all religions, holy scriptures and
> incarnations. Nothing on Earth has that power!

And Balwinder, you can always advertise to all as how the Avatar has
opened your eyes and mind to illumine the deepest secrets and
parables of all the Holy Scriptures. This knowledge has never been
taught before till the incarnation of the Divine Feminine Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi. It is a Divine Knowledge that cannot be
challenged by guardians of religious regimes — priests, pastors,
reverends, bishops, popes, rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs,
ulema, ayatollahs, gurus, swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas,
bhagwans, granthis, gianis, lamas, monks, dalai lamas — who all are
silent since went online on the very dawn of the
new millennium. None of them have been able to rebut and prove Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi's Divine Message of the Resurrection and Last
Judgment false. Even skeptics, atheists or anti-cult organizations,
especially those specializing in busting fake gurus and false
claims, have also been silent.

And since you are compelled by incontrovertible evidence that the
Divine Message to humanity is indeed the heart and soul of the Holy
Scriptures you have unconditionally surrendered and accepted the
prophets who revealed them too. The same is happening to tens of
thousands of believers as the Divine Message leaves absolutely no
room for picking and choosing. One has to unconditionally surrender
to the Divine Message in its entirety in order to be born of the
Spirit (Baptism of Allah/Self-realization). Till the advent of the
Adi Shakti such a feat was impossible, and millennia of religious
rivalry bears testimony to how poisoned humans have become. More
humans are now drinking of the poison of fundamentalism - the ONLY
antidote is Her Divine Message to humanity. IT IS THE ONLY ANTIDOTE
BALWINDER! Without it there will never be world peace as humans will
always be divided by centuries-old religious walls repeatedly
reinforced by countless clashes between faiths. It is the only
antidote available, a Divine Gift of God Almighty (Brahman) to
neutralize the poison in the hearts and minds of His children. We
SYs are evidence to the world of its power.

Last, but not the least, your professional and academic credentials
as a sub-specialist in a prestigious hospital only adds to the power
and luster of your declaring Her Divine Message. You too are calling
upon all, especially Muslims, to bear witness to this Truth:


I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.

surah 75:1-40 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)

Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News. [5889]
About which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!

surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)

"5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of
the Resurrection."

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)

As the Qur'an declares: "My messengers (of Al-Qiyamah) must
prevail." So being His messenger you must at all times stand on this
Truth and silence all into submission. His Plan for humanity as
delivered by His Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi will triumph if Her
bhaktas perform their sacred duty to Her unflinchingly! She has
armed us with the greatest weapon of all - Truth. No force can
challenge the Truth of Her Divine Message. So declare it TO ALL THE


From: "jagbir singh" <>
Date: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:57 am
Subject: How are these websites going to help in World peace?- By finding the Truth and worldwide declaration of Her Divine Message!

--- In, "jagbir singh"
<adishakti_org@...> wrote:
> And since you are compelled by incontrovertible evidence that the
> Divine Message to humanity is indeed the heart and soul of the
> Holy Scriptures you have unconditionally surrendered and accepted
> the prophets who revealed them too. The same is happening to tens
> of thousands of believers as the Divine Message leaves absolutely
> no room for picking and choosing. One has to unconditionally
> surrender to the Divine Message in its entirety in order to be
> born of the Spirit (Baptism of Allah/Self-realization). Till the
> advent of the Adi Shakti such a feat was impossible, and millennia
> of religious rivalry bears testimony to how poisoned humans have
> become. More humans are now drinking of the poison of
> fundamentalism - the ONLY antidote is Her Divine Message to
> humanity. IT IS THE ONLY ANTIDOTE BALWINDER! Without it there will
> never be world peace as humans will always be divided by centuries-
> old religious walls repeatedly reinforced by countless clashes
> between faiths. It is the only antidote available, a Divine Gift
> of God Almighty (Brahman) to neutralize the poison in the hearts
> and minds of His children. We SYs are evidence to the world of its
> power.

"Finding the Truth

There are thousands of "beliefs", political, religious or
philosophical doctrines and all of them are in contrast with each
other. Of course not all of them can be true. Yet their supporters
claim that theirs is the only true doctrine. In my opinion truth is
infinite and therefore no person, group or religion can claim to
possess it. There is no book that can contain the infinite truth.
All doctrines and ideologies posses a part of the truth. Things are
not black and white. They come in different shades and colors. The
light of the sun shines on all things, yet each thing reflects that
light with a different wavelength and that is why you see the
variety of colors in this world. The light is one, yet it manifests
itself in millions of colors.

Truth is also one, yet each person understands it differently. We
see the truth in different ways, each sees a facet of it. Who can
decry the facet that someone holds true and dear to his heart? The
Truth is one and only, but because each person's mental capacity,
social and cultural background is different, that same Truth for
each person has a different flavor. The variety is not in the Truth
itself but in its containers.

The absolute Truth is unattainable. It is too big for us humans with
our limited mental capacity to grasp. All we can aspire is to see
and understand one or few aspects of the Truth. Think of the truth
as this Earth. We are all in contact with it and experience it. But
while we are standing on its surface our experience of it is
limited. Since the Earth is made of mountains, plateaus, oceans,
forests, deserts, and many more features, each one of us can only
see what is around him. No one can claim to have the only true view
of the Earth from his or her vantage point. No matter where we are
and no matter how vast are the horizons before us we cannot see the
entire Earth.

That is exactly how we can see the truth. We see only part of it.
And what we see depends on the social, cultural and religious ground
on which we are standing.

People see the same reality from different angles. What they see is
different, but they are just seeing different facets of the same
reality. This realization, that my truth and yours are not
different, will enrich our understanding instead of becoming points
of contention. Once we become aware of our limitations, we stop
having "blind faith" about anything. We know that our understanding
is limited and it is subject to change. So we learn to think
laterally, become open to other possibilities, doubt and question.
Though we may think we have found the truth, we know that the truth
has other hidden facets that we have not seen yet. By having an open
mind, listening to other theories, we learn more. The more we know,
the more we find how little we know. This is the essence of
freethinking. This is how philosophers think. It is much different
from the thinking of a religious person who believes all truth can
be contained in few pages of a book, and that is all there is to it,
and nothing more.

Just as there is truth in everything, there is also falsehood in
everything. There is nothing that can be defined as absolutely
wrong, just as there is nothing that can be defined as absolutely
true. In every black there is an element of whiteness and in every
white there is a component of lackness. The method to arrive at the
truth is through critical analysis of different ideas. Truth will
sparkle when different ideas clash. If you and I never talk, you
will never know my point of view and I will not know yours.

I do not believe that any religion is true. They are all man made.
And just as any other man made philosophy and school of thought,
every religion is partially true and partially wrong. The proportion
may vary from religion to religion. But since the absolute truth is
unattainable and what we can understand is relative and subject to
our cultural biases and personal predispositions, what you think is
true may seem untrue to me and vice versa.

So what shall we do? If we never talk, we'll never learn each
other's points of view and the gap between us grows deeper. Some
matters are of taste and should be left to the individual. For
example, do you believe in reincarnation or you don't? Do you
believe in the survival of the soul after the death or you don't? Do
you believe in the existence of God or you don't? These are personal
beliefs. Whether we agree on them or not, it does not change
anything. We may disagree on these personal issues and still live
and work together in the same society in peace and harmony.

But what if our beliefs infringe the rights of the others? What if I
believe in a god as the owner of this universe that has ordered me
to kill anyone who fails to recognize him? What if I believe that my
god wants me to beat my wife if she is not obedient to me, or kill
my daughter if I suspect lewdness on her part, or subdue and
humiliate my neighbor if his religion is not the right one?

You obviously cannot sit idle and "respect" my belief. You have two
choices, you either arm yourself and try to kill me before I kill
you or you try to educate me and make me see that what I believe is
morally and rationally wrong.

In my opinion, since we all have different beliefs, if we opt the
first rout and start killing each other very few of us will remain
in this world. Islam advocates Jihad, it encourages you to fight and
kill the unbelievers until everyone's religion is Islam. This is the
barbaric way to handle the differences. The winner is not
necessarily the one who is right but the one who has the might.
Hitler and Muhammad both believed in violence as a legitimate mean
to impose their philosophy. The result, in both cases was

Faith blinds. As a believer I am incapable to see my errors. If I am
only talking with my peers who also believe in what I believe they
strengthen my faith and if our faith is wrong we are both confirmed
in our ignorance. We will sit in our synagogues, churches or mosques
and say how good we are and how evil you are; how much god loves us
and how much he hates you and so on. This is the way we have done so
far and it wasn't a picnic. Now imagine we who have so much hate,
have also atomic and biological bombs. Pakistan has atomic bomb, and
Iraq has biological weapons. Of course if they use their arsenals
against the West or Israel, they will be wiped out. But they are
fanatics. They are the suicide bombers. They cannot think straight.
They believe that they will go to Paradise whether they kill of they
are killed.

Obviously there is a lot at stake. We cannot just sit and let a
catastrophe of unimaginable proportion happen. The destruction of
our country, and our neighboring countries is painful and sad, yet
it is nothing with what is going to befall us, if we do not stop
this madness.

I suggest, let us take the other rout. Let us discuss and make each
other see where we are wrong. I believe in what I believe and you
have faith in yours. I am not able to see the errors of my faith and
you are not able to see yours. Let us find out the truth. You show
my errors, and let me show yours. I won't be offended if you tell me
where I am wrong. But please don't take it personally when I point
out your errors. You and I should talk and let our ideas clash, let
us debate, let us find the truth, but let us be friends and love
each other like brothers and sisters.

What would you do if you find out that your son or someone you love
has joined a very dangerous cult? Would you sit idle and let him
harm himself and others because of his beliefs? Would you hate him,
punish him or kill him for it? If you are a wise person you will
educate yourself about that cult and try to help him see the
dangerous road that he is taking.

We humans are brothers and sisters to each other. This is the first
and foremost truth that we all must be aware of. Once this feeling
of love and oneness is established among all the members of
humanity, we should sit and talk to each other; listen and learn
from each other. We have to point out to the errors of each other
and not be offended if our own errors are singled out.

Love of your brother and sister in humanity comes first. Your
beliefs, ideas, doctrines and religion, come next. Only with this
spirit of empathy, care and understanding, you should sit with your
Baha'i, Jewish, Christian or Communist brothers and show them their
errors. Only when you love them more than your religion you are not
offended if they too criticize the errors of your beliefs.

I am a humanist. I love all humanity. For me, a Jew, a Baha'i, a
Muslim, an Iranian, an Iraqi, an American, a black, a white or a
Chinese are all the same. I hate no one. I love every human being,
irrespective of his or her color, race, nationality or religion. But
that does not mean that I approve of what they do, say or believe. I
feel it is my duty to show them their errors if those errors harm
others. And I would accept with gratitude and humility if they
helped me see mine.

I know that there is something good in every religion. But as a
whole religions have done more harm than good. Religion is the most
powerful force of disunity among humankind. All religions, without
any exception, are based on false premises. We cannot build our
prosperity on false and shaky foundations. Truth, and nothing but
truth will set us free. And to find the truth, we have to talk and
expose the fallacies of our beliefs. I do not disagree with religion
as a personal bliss. The belief in a deity that looks over our
shoulders, takes care of us and comes to our aid when we need him is
uplifting and very therapeutic. The faith in a personal god, gives
many people a sense of peace. It helps many overcome their
weaknesses. It is a crutch that they can lean on. The psychological
benefit of believing, for many millions of people is incalculable.
To deprive people of believing in a personal god is not fair. People
must wean themselves from religions, whenever THEY are ready. They
will toss aside this crutch only when THEY feel that they can walk
with their own feet, see with their own eyes and understand with
their own rational thinking. We should not force people out of
religion. We should let them mature on their own just as we would
let a chicken to hatch in the egg until it is ready to break its
shell and emerge from it on its own. But when our belief becomes the
cause of disunity and an excuse to kill, maim and hate others, we
should not remain silent. We have to make reason prevail. We have to
stop those who perpetrate crimes against humanity in the name of
their god. No mater how strong is their belief and how numerous is
their numbers; we have to put a halt at their insanity. If something
is wrong, it does not become right just because the majority
believes it."

Ali Sina, May 2001

From: "my2pai" <>
Date: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:54 am
Subject: Re: How are these websites going to help in World peace?

Dear All,

I append below a short excerpt from a talk given by Shri Mataji to
Sahaja Yogis in Wimbledon, London in March 1986 in which She
stressed the need for Sahaja Yogis to have a constructive engagement
or dialogue with society over various issues affecting our world.
Shri Mataji's suggestion was for the Sahaja Yogis to form societies
or NGOs in their communities to deal with various problems of the

Shri Mataji said that Sahaja Yogis should not live in isolation from
the world around them. According to Shri Mataji: "You are in the
public. You have to circulate now, you have to articulate in the
public, you have to move in the public. You are not only for a
secluded, some group of Sahaja Yogis, you're not that. But you have
to articulate, you have to circulate."

Shri Mataji spoke these words twenty years ago when there was no
Internet. But today in this globalized online world, the 'public' is
only a few key strokes away. And this is just what Jagbir has done
in creating the seven web sites to engage the 'public' in meaningful
and constructive dialogue, for the betterment of the world, for
articulating the Divine Message of Shri Mataji and ultimately to
bring emancipation to the world.

If there are any cynics or naysayers as to the approach Jagbir is
taking, Jagbir is merely carrying out exactly what Shri Mataji has
suggested Sahaja Yogis should be doing, twenty years ago. Perhaps
Jagbir is more in tune with the wishes of Shri Mataji than we have
given him credit for.


"...So then you come to the point where you are in the public, you
are in the public. You have to circulate now, you have to articulate
in the public, you have to move in the public. You are not only for
a secluded, some group of Sahaja Yogis, you're not that. But you
have to articulate, you have to circulate. Now for that what should
we do? You have to understand that we have to form other groups,
other things by which we can circulate. Let's see now in England we
can form some societies. Let's form some society which are not,
which are not are what we call them as the Sahaja Yogas, because you
are different from them. So now let us form some societies. We form
certain societies, say let us form a society where we talk about the
decadence of this country, how the decadence has come in, why it is
there, why are we spoiling our young children, why are we behaving
like this. Let us see, let us start a society under this name. Let
us start a society which will fight all social problems, like let
us, as I said in India, let us start a society which is against
dowry system. That's how you'll circulate with them and later on
when they come up to a point they will see your character and then
you can talk to them about Sahaja Yoga. Like these women have, what
is that called, women lib and all that. That's nonsense, you know
that very well. But they have formed the society, so they're there,
they're circulating. We have to have sensible, wise people forming a
society, so from Sahaja Yoga group we have to move to societies,
where you need not talk about Sahaja Yoga, you need not tell them
there's emancipation, but let us circulate through them and let them
know about dharma, forming no religion as such. It's inner religion
as we have, just without any religion you can start it. So that's
how you meet the public. There are many such ways, which you can
think, by which you can meet the public."

(Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Wimbledon, London, 5th March 1986)


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